Monday, August 18, 2008


By Garvisa Stroud
Considering all you’ve done for me,
Considering all that you will do,
I can’t imagine not trusting
Even though I can’t see you.
Verse I
The choice is very simple
Yet somehow quite profound
I can choose Lord, to trust you
Or choose to remain bound
Bound to circumstances, situations
I cannot control
Or trust You in the midst of them
As my only hope!!!
Considering all you’ve done for me,
Considering all that you will do,
I can’t imagine not trusting
Even though I can’t see you.

Verse II
My heart is nearly breaking
As I travel down this road
I can’t imagine having to bear
This heavy load
Then I hear you gently whisper
It was never mine to bear
I want to run away in agony
But then I see You there
Considering all you’ve done for me,
Considering all that you will do,
I can’t imagine not trusting
Even though I can’t see you.

I wrote the beginning of this song in the spring of 2005. It came during a time that I was crying out to God to speak to me! I had been involved in a tragic car accident where another person was killed. Needless to say, my whole world was changed forever along with the world of this precious family. I was devastated and none of what had happened made any sense! I couldn't see God's hand in this terrible tragedy. I was crying out for something to hold onto.

The second part of this song came in July of 2005, on the morning of my precious son's funeral. I was crying out to God once again to help me walk through yet another terrible tragedy. As I was sitting on the front porch of my brother and sister-in law, I was begging God to help me get through what was to come later that morning. I couldn't imagine dealing with what was to come in a few short hours. It had all happened so suddenly! It was so unbelievable! It couldn't be real, could it? How do you walk through something like this?

This morning, my best friend called with the news of her uncle's sudden passing! I couldn't believe it-Uncle Bernie? He was in his 50's. I had just seen him and Aunt Charlotte a few weeks ago during my visit. I immediately thought of Aunt Charlotte and the shock and bewilderment she must be experiencing. I have prayed for her today and I have been considering too. I have been considering the brevity of life, how hard life can sometimes be and also the faithfulness of God through it all even though we may not see Him.


dennis brockman said...

Your meditations are inspiring. I think I would try to avoid thinking of these tragedies, but you have turned them over in your heart and mind, and have found and even experienced profound truth. Thank you for offering this for someone like me to consider.

Lil said...

What beautiful words to a lovely song. Do you have a melody to them?

lilyblossom at thinwithin