Thursday, August 13, 2009

Considering-Verse III

Considering seems to be this on-going song. At least that 's the way it's seemed since 2005 when God gave first put the words in my heart. What I think to be the final verse came to me as I was preparing a talk for the ladies retreat at my church. The topic I was to speak on was experiencing God's love through pain. Well, in order to go there, I had to go back in time and think on how I'd actually experienced God's love through pain. This was a somewhat painful task even though I could clearly see God's hand in the circumstances of my life. I could see God's faithfulness through some difficult things but I found myself wondering about the tomorrows of my life. My "worry flesh" began to kick in and familiar words that used to paralize me began running through my head. That's when I needed to replace lies with truth. At that moment, God didn't give me a scripture but another verse to Considering. He's funny like that. He speaks to me in a way that He knows I can receive His truth in a given moment. I know sometimes I'm to busy trying to figure things out on my own but in those moments when I'm quiet before Him, He is faithful to show me His truth.

Considering-Verse III-Written in April 2009

Oh, Lord you have been faithful
As I’ve traveled down this road.
As I look toward tomorrow,
I sometimes wonder what it holds.
Then I hear you gently whisper
I am with you in the now
And whatever comes tomorrow
You will see my grace poured out.

Chorus: amended in April 2009
Considering all you’ve done for me,
Considering all I know of you,
Lord, I want to let you love me
Even though I can’t see you.
Lord, I choose to let you love me
Even when I can’t see you.

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